Versión Internacional de nuestro vídeo corporativo de presentación.
Practical advices
Cómo pintar baldosas cerámicas
Hace 11 años · 1320803 visualizaciones
Cómo barnizar baldosas cerámicas con nuestros barniz especial.
Cómo pintar azulejos
Hace 12 años · 28606 visualizaciones
El equipo de Pinturas Blatem nos explica cómo podemos cambiar la imagen de nuestro baño simplemente con una mano de pintura.
Cómo calcular la pintura que necesitas
Hace 9 años · 360339 visualizaciones
Desde BLATEM te damos unos cuantos trucos sobre cómo calcular mejor la pintura que vas a utilizar en cada superficie que te dispongas a pintar.
Cómo limpiar los pinceles
Hace 9 años · 36232 visualizaciones
El equipo de BLATEM te explica cómo limpiar brochas, pinceles y rodillos inmediatamente después de su utilización para que duren el mayor tiempo posible.
Cómo crear un efecto oxidado
Hace 12 años · 170032 visualizaciones
Nuestro equipo os da unos consejos para crear un efecto oxidado con una pintura especial protectora como Oxitem
Trucos para conservar la pintura
Hace 9 años · 25046 visualizaciones
Te damos una serie de trucos para conservar la pintura que sobra para que no se estropee
estuco palace
Hace 11 años · 5980 visualizaciones
BLATEM - Rotularte
Hace 11 años · 15542 visualizaciones
Convierte los muros en pizarras con la primera pintura que te permite dibujar, borrar y volver a escribir sobre tus paredes.
BIOTEM - Gama antibacteriana de BLATEM Pinturas
Hace 9 años · 1584 visualizaciones
El equipo de BLATEM te presenta Biotem y Acriblatem, dos productos que configuran su nueva gama antibacteriana.
Se trata de dos pinturas desarrolladas para inhibir y prevenir el crecimiento de bacterias de cualquier tipo sobre superficies.
We want to be the preferred choice of our customers because we offer the highest quality products on the market. And we can prove it.
At Blatem we take care of our team so that they take care of you. Our people's health and happiness are our main commitment.
If our customers win, we win. That's why we offer comprehensive solutions and profitable business models that are sustainable over time.
Mr Luna, founder of Blatem, began working as an apprentice painter at only 10 years old. Since then, painting has taken over everything in his life. If anyone on the market has an eye for painting, it's us.
At Blatem we believe that closeness, empathy, humility, flexibility and leadership are the characteristics that make a great team. These are the pillars of this company and we learn them from our customers every day.
We have the responsibility of caring for the planet that we will leave as an inheritance to those who will come after us. And we know that is not easy. That is why our commitment to the environment is something we consider our responsibility.
We co-create our products with the help of our customers and suppliers because achieving maximum durability, strength and applicability is not possible without meeting their expectations. If we don't have what they're looking for, we make it. That's why we continued to create until even silk became a paint. You have to touch it!
At Blatem we offer the sum of the experience of our professionals so that the paint is just as you need it when you are looking for variety and quality. Our products do not rust because before they get to you they have been exposed to our weathering machines and turned out as good as new.
he Blatem success formula contains R+D+i+♥. That is why we create strong and long-lasting ties with our customers and providers.
Our desire for innovation has been with us from the start. It is born from a constant search for excellence and it is in the DNA of Blatem. And this is how we develop patents such as Fragrancias, the only paint with a scent associated with its colour, or our products with solar protection technology.
At Blatem we know that our responsibility is to give back to society all that it has given us. That's why we guarantee that our paints are trustworthy, inside and out.
For us there is no one more important than the team that has made this shared project possible. “We know that if we take care of our employees, they will take care of our customers.” José Luna.