SATEFFIC is the exterior thermic insulation solution developed by Pinturas BLATEM. This system is formed of an insulating board bonded with mortar and mechanically fixed by anchoring to the support (existing façade).
SATEFFIC is ideal for energy rehabilitation of existing buildings and new construction.
Its installation has a number of advantages that make it unique compared to other facades rehabilitation systems:
Improving the livability and comfort.
Elimination of thermic bridges, condensation, elimination of mould inside the house, ...
Energy saving and environmentally friendly.
SATEFFIC reduces heat loss in winter and warmth in summer. It also reduces CO2 emissions up to 20%.
Cost savings
Savings on heating and refrigeration bills, with a return on investment in five years. Durability of all its components.
Complete exterior improvement
Total facelift. Pinturas Blatem offers a wide range of finishes and colours.
Elimination of pathologies such as chipping, cracks, etc ...
Impermeability to rainwater and permeability to water vapor.
Protection of the structure against thêrmic shocks.
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